ÖBVZ is full member of EYCO (European Youth Circus Organisation).

EYCO aims at stimulating and supporting European Youth Circus on a national and European level

  • The (proces of) recognising and structuring youth circus and its actors.

  • The quality improvement of youth circus and its actors.

  • The promotion of youth circus - by its nature a popular/accessible art form - as a means for children and youngsters to take an active role in society and engage in social citizenship.

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ASK - "Assitant trainers sharing knowledge"

As part of the project "Assitant trainers sharing knowledge" (ASK, 2018-2020), the Finnish Youth Circus Association (www.snsl.fi) FYCA has created learning materials for young assistant trainers. The following videos can be shared and used for training courses and further education of young trainers: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV3rvFY9J7PNIn5psYXO3BZDk-ZJQxw7n

Veranstaltungen & News

Das passiert gerade in Österreich:


Es ist endlich so weit, wir sind kurz davor die neue www.zirkusinfo.at zu veröffentlichen und wollten sie euch vorab gerne zeigen und um euer Feedback dazu bitten!

Wien: kaOs im Wasserpark startet ab dem 3.5.2024.

Zirkus im Sommer

Circusluft in Drosendorf:


kaOs SommerZirkusWoche findet vom 19. bis zum 23.8.2024 statt.


Wien: Akropanik informiert über die wöchentlichen Akromöglichkeiten in Wien.